HYBRIT Research project 1 has reached it’s end

Wednesday September 1st was a prominent day for HYBRIT’s Research project 1. It was time to present the results for a wider audience, at the ESTAD- conference hosted by Järnkontoret. There was a lot of interest with many interested listeners, particularly via the digital platform.
The project was introduced by Hybrit General Manager Eva Vitell, connecting the research to the fossil free value chain, and also made a concluding presentation. At the symposium representatives for RP1’s six work packages presented the over all results and conclusions on the different topics.
- ”Fossil-free iron ore pellets production” was presented by Charlotte Andersson from LTU
- “Hydrogen based iron ore reduction” was presented by Johan Riesbeck, Hybrit Development AB
- ”Steelmaking from hydrogen reduced iron” was presented by Carl Allertz, SSAB
- ”Providing energy for fossil-free steel production and the effects on the electrical power system” was presented by Tobias Rehnholm, Vattenfall AB
- “Hydrogen production and storage” was presented by Nicklas Simonsson, Vattenfall AB
- “System integration, transition pathways and policy strategies” was presented by Max Åhman, Lund University
The results from the research project are published as articles in the different work packages for RP1. When they have passed the due acadecmic examination they are published in our digital research library here at the web.