About HYBRIT Archives - Hybrit

8 November 2021

We have done it

From mine to steel – the worlds first fossil free steel has been delivered. The result of the HYBRIT project, a first delivery that is a major step forward on the road to the fossil free value chain for iron- and steel production!  

19 May 2021

HYBRIT: Addressing the Root Cause

Our society needs steel but the steel industry today emits a vast amout of carbon dioxide. SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall aim to change this together, through the HYBRIT-project. Watch the movie to hear more about the journey towards fossil free steel.  

5 March 2021

HYBRIT: Fossil free electricity is the key

The coal that is used today to make iron and steel will be replaced by hydrogen produced from water and fossil free electricity. Watch this video to learn more about how fossil free electricity and hydrogen are the keys to fossil free steel.    

15 February 2021

HYBRIT: It starts in the mine

Becoming fossil-free starts in the mine with LKAB’s know-how. Watch the full video to learn more about LKAB’s role in HYBRIT, the joint initiative and journey together with SSAB and Vattenfall, towards fossil-free steelmaking.

13 February 2021

HYBRIT: Research and innovation

Innovation through the full value chain, from iron ore, via hydrogen produces with fossil-free electricity to, finished, fossil-free steel.

13 February 2021

HYBRIT: A piece of the future

The biggest challenge for the steel industry in over 1000 years. SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall started HYBRIT, an initiative to produce fossil-free steel by using electricity and hydrogen. The goal is to virtually eliminate the carbon dioxide emissions. Learn about the HYBRIT-project and the journey towards fossil-free steel. Hear Hybrit and representatives for the owner …